Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hello everyone. This week was pretty interesting. I turned in my plant tissue lab that wee started two weeks ago before the snow days. We also did another lab called the flower dissection lab. It taught us about the male and female reproductive parts of the flower. The plant tissue lab wasn't that interesting to me because I wasn't there for the microscope part of the lab. I hate being sick. I really do. I am now going to start taking in more antioxidants to boost my immune system. It's a really good thing that I like blueberries. We also took a test  on the plants. I got had one of the best grades in the middle school. I got a 96%! I am proud of that. I know my blogs the last few weeks have been short and boring but there haven't been too many labs to talk about that you guys can do at home. The whole school has been set back because of that stupid ice storm, and now we have to make up days, which I am really not going to enjoy. We had a ton of work to do over that 'break' and we still have to make up a few days at the end of the year.
We did fun projects on Friday. We made fake 'snow' that is actually made up of a water absorbing polymers. It started out as a light coating of dust at the bottom of a cup that as soon as wee added water, poofed up. It was really cool. We are also growing crystals out on pipe cleaners. The crystals are made up of borax, which is used in laundry detergents. As the water evaporates, crystals form on the pipe cleaner. We twisted the pipe cleaners to look like snowflakes, and at the end of the lab, they should look like the picture on the left.

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