Sunday, February 23, 2014

Okay everyone. We did a lot this week and some of it is kind of gross, but really fun. We did three labs this week, two involving a microscope, one involving dissection. The first lab we did was finishing our sponges and hydra lab. We really made our hydra mad and he tried to sting us. Good luck with that little guy. They look like tiny sea anemones and the venom in their nematocysts isn't strong enough to hurt humans. So jokes on you. The second lab we did was observing flatworms. The worms were much more active than the hydra, but mine was very lazy. We created a false magnetic field to see how it affected the worm. Mine turned in a certain direction and stopped. Then it didn't move. I really couldn't tell if it was dead or not. Of all the things it could have done, it decides to die. Sad. The third lab was dissecting these enormous earthworms. These things were more than a foot long. They didn't fit lengthways into the dissecting pan, so we had to go corner to corner.

We are having a test once we finish our earthworm dissection lab, and I know most of it, but I need to touch up on my vocabulary a little bit. I also need to work on my Science Olympiad. I finished my salinometer/hydrometer so thats out of the way,  but I need to study my marine ecosystems and estuaries. I didn't realize how much work this actually was, so I took on three events, which was a bad idea on my part.  I mean, heredity I'm not worried about because one, we studied heredity earlier in the year, and my partner is researching what we don't know.

Another thing that happened this week was our science teacher, Mrs. Giacomelli, got slimed for charity. Our seventh grade students have to pick a UN Millennium goal and try to help bring it along for a huge part of their social studies grade. One of our students, Zane, picked education in Afghanistan for his project, and he somehow talked Mrs. G into getting slimed. For ever dollar donated, he would add an ounce of slime to the bucket. Zane raised three hundred dollars! Great job Zane! And a big round of applause to Mrs. G for helping out. Here is the link for the video that was on the news!

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