Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hey guys. This week, I don't have much to talk about from school, because I was sick, yet again. Basically, I slept all day or studied for Science Olympiad. I was there Monday/Tuesday, but couldn't get out of bed Wednesday. I even missed a field trip Friday, which I was not happy about. But what can ya do, right?
On Monday, we finished up our giant worm dissection lab. I didn't have mine because I let my lab partner borrow it because he was behind. Only he didn't give it back. So I still have to bug him to get it tomorrow. On Tuesday, we reviewed for the test we were supposed to take Wednesday. That wasn't the big part of our science week, though.
We got up early Saturday put on our safety green shirts, and headed out for UNCW. It was the day of Science Olympiad! We had to be there at eight o'clock for check in, and we hung out for another ten minutes. Then I went to my first event, Water Quality. The event was fairly straight forward, a simple test. Only two questions required the homemade Salinometer. The only thing I didn't understand was naming actual sea-creatures, which was no-where on the Science Olympiad study guide. I knew some from seeing the in pictures or hearing about them, like the redfish, carp, cuttlefish. I knew the difference between sponges and cnidarians because we learned that in class.
Then, I had a two hour break before Road Scholar, which is using topographic and road maps. Our director brought pizza and a bunch of other foods. Lunch was pretty awesome. The Road Scholar test was pretty hard because I couldn't find one one of the towns that was required through all the other towns and cities. And I needed that particular town for about eight or nine different questions.
The third event of my day was Heredity. Again, the test was very straight forward and we had studied a lot of the material in class, but there was one topic that was on there that we hadn't studied. It was on the study guide that we needed to know it, but we didn't study it, so whatever.
For the last hour of our day, we sat sweating in the UNCW gym. I swear that place didn't have any central air conditioning. WAAS got a lot of medals. I got fifth place out of seven in Water Quality, and our school got fifth in the region. We were so excited, because the top six schools go to state. You should have seen Mrs. Giacomelli's face! She was so shocked! At the end of the day, I had sooo much fun. I am also glad I found out that ninth graders can compete with a middle-school team! I am gonna do it again next year! Thanks to Mrs. G for being an awesome coach and teacher.
Some things I can work on are my study habits. I always wait to the last minute and get really stressed out. I will try to start studying when I hear about a test instead of waiting. I also procrastinate on projects and other work. It is a terrible habit that I need to break. I understand what we are studying in class to a T. If you ask me anything about worms, sponges, or cnidarians, I will be able to tell you.

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