Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hey guys! This week, we did more dissections! I mean wow! We have done more dissections this year then we did labs last year. It's awesome. I also caught up on what I missed last week, including that test. I think I did ok, but I know I missed at least a few questions.

Foe labs this week, we dissected a squid, and boy was the smell of that thing rank. It made my eyes water worse than onions. We also started a cricket dissection lab. Like the giant worms from Australia, these giant crickets from Africa are as long as your middle finger. I swear, any animal off either Africa or Australia is mutated to be gigantic. I think I handled it pretty well considering I have an intense fear of bugs.

I need to work on lots of things. I don't really understand all the different groups in this chapter, but I do understand most of their body parts. I also need to make improvements to my hydrometer/salinometer, because during Science Olympiad, the marker on it washed off. Luckily I had a pen.

Tomorrow we are excused form all our classes to go to the library for a research paper in Social Studies, so I will miss some of the cricket dissection, which I am sad about; I really want to cut that thing open. I know I did this blog late at night, so night y'all. Have to get up early tomorrow.

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