Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hey everyone. We didn't actually do too much in science. We finished up the grasshopper dissection lab. Did you know that the reason they can reproduce so fast was because they had sooo many ovaries? I didn't. They pretty much lined the sides of the grasshopper. To get to the intestine, we had to dig through a pile of ovaries. We also had a quiz on Thursday on Arthropods. I did well. I got a 97% on it. I would have gotten a 100, but I forgot to answer one question, which kind of stinks, but oh well!

In Social Studies, we did National History day through-out the day. I missed the last ten minutes of science because of it. Our group got second in the school, so we are moving on to Regionals. I am kind of put out because I didn't really want to go to Regionals because of all the extra stress. But it mean we will probably get a good grade on the project.

I need to work on the chapter again as we will be doing more with this unit before taking the test, as well as learning about echinoderms. I dare you to try saying that ten times fast! I knew pretty much the whole unit, but I still need to study.

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