Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hey people of the world. This week, we started a very popular lab, as well as a new chapter, and even had an open note test, which I got 95 on! On my report card I ended up getting mostly B's which is pretty good considering I had a D in English at the beginning of the third quarter. It will be a small jump to get to and A now. We also have a new friend in our class, the neighbors cat Chloe, or as we call her, Waffles. She has completely taken over Mrs. Giacomelli's leather rollie chair. Mrs. G has actually taken to rolling Chloe outside and leaving her chair outside at the end of the day because the cat won't move. Strangely enough, Chloe is a super affectionate outdoor cat.

This week, we started our frog dissection lab, which I know most people have done or will do. As with all of our other dissections, the frog is gigantic. I don't know where our teacher orders these from, but there must me something in the water there. Our new chapter is on fish, reptiles and amphibians, hence the frog lab. We just opened it up on Thursday, and we had our quiz Friday.

I think I really understand this chapter so far. The concepts are fairly simple, except for some of the aspects of the fish. I really need to start tweeting more though. That is what brought my Biology grade down to a B. It's a simple assignment, but since I have trouble remembering things, it has become difficult for me. Maybe I should write it on the back of my hand so that I remember.

Altogether, I think it was a very productive week at WAAS, and ver fun. Ben and I met on Thursday after school for the Heredity part of S.O. It was very fun, and I really enjoyed doing the research. I learned a lot and it wasn't boring like studying alone was.

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