Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hey. It's me again. This week was mainly dedicated to finishing up the frog dissection, learning about reptiles, and studying fir the reptiles and amphibians test. The test was rather simple but I got and 88. I probably should have studied more for that, but I thought I knew most of it. The end of the frog dissection was pretty fun. I removed most of the organs from our frog, and laid them out like a display. I felt a little bit like a mad scientist, or a psychopath.

I really need to work on my homework habits. I was dropped to a B last semester because I wasn't tweeting often enough. I also need to study more for my quizzes and tests. As the creatures we are studying get more complex, the more I need to study.

We had standardized tests this week, so not much else happened, except my group, and every other group from our school, moved on to State for NHD. And again, this history contest happens to be on the same day as Science Olympiad. I mean really. Two years in a row? I am going to be running back and forth pretty much all day for my events. Good thing the two locations for the competitions are close together.

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