Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hey there everyone. This week we started a very interesting lab. Unfortunately it also our last lab. We started our week off with observing a fetal pig. IT WAS NOT ABORTED. It was either miscarried, still-born, or a leftover of the pork industry. So no, we did not murder little baby pigs, if that is what you are thinking. We observed the outside first, then we went on to looking at the skeletal system, though we did not cut him open. After that we did end up skinning it to look at the muscles. The next day, we cut out the muscle to see its digestive system. Next week, we are going to start with the nervous system and circulatory system, as well as some other things, I think. We have been studying for our science final, and I think I'm going to do pretty well.
I need to work on studying for my exam on Friday. I am not really nervous about it, but I still need to study a lot. I also need to work on my boat for our cardboard boat regatta. Anybody got any refrigerator boxes I can have. Just kidding.

For the boat regatta, we are only allowed to use untreated cardboard, and only allowed to use duck tape around the edges of the boat. THIS I am nervous for. How bout that. I'm not that nervous for one of the biggest tests of the year, and yet I am nervous for a boat regatta. I want to do the design below of the wheel, but I 'm not sure how functional that will be. Thanks guys talk to you soon!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hey guys. Sorry about last weeks sub-par post. I was really tired after Science Olympiad and traveling. We lost the competition, but several of our groups got medals, so that is something to be proud of.  One of our students spewed chunks after his event, so I covered for him in anatomy, on top of three other events. Suffice to say, my brain was fried by the time we were done. It was a long day, but I did learn that I really, really like chai milkshakes. I would also like to give a big round of applause to Mrs. Giacomelli for bringing new inspiration to the
Sciences" in our school name.

I really need to start working on studying for my final in science as well as my EOC in math. I am not that nervous about it, but I also want to get e really good grade.

This week in science, we did a sheep eye dissection while the sixth and seventh graders were out of town in Washington, D.C. After we finished that, we basically just worked on whatever until the end of class because there was nothing else we could really do without the sixth/seventh getting behind. It was  a lonely week without them. And to leave off, below in a lovely picture of a sheep's brain. "Good night, and good luck."