Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hey again! Sorry for the belated post! This week we did several labs, but only one was really interesting. I had my first test and I got a 96%. We were basically reviewing the scientific method, and did several labs based on studying it. Here is a link to my school website so that you can see my fellow students blogs

Here was that interesting lab: The Bubble Lab


  • Dish detergent 
  • Milliliter type measurer
  • Cups
  • Water
  • Straw
  • Paper and a pencil
  • Towel
  • Stopwatch

  • Create a question
  • Make a hypothesis.
  • Create a table that looks somewhat like this

  • Trial 1
    Trial 2
    Solution 1

    Solution 2

    Solution one should have ten mL of dish detergent and 100 mL of water
  • Solution two should have 100 mL of water and fifteen mL of detergent
  • After you mix the detergent with the water pour one solution across the table and spread it around
  • Take the drinking straw and put one end in the puddle of solution
  • Begin to blow the bubble and as you do so, start the stopwatch
  • Stop the stopwatch as the bubble pops and record your findings
  • Do this for each solution three times

 Did you notice how solution 2 seemed to last longer than solution 1? This is most likely because the bubble is more elastic due to the detergent to water ratio. I would like you to leave comments on your findings. I am very interested to find if someone got a different result.

I also encourage you to get a subscription to National Geographic. It has many interesting articles on biology, chemistry and many other advances in research and science. One example is how they brought back and extinct type of goat by regrowing its organs from old stem cells. It stayed alive for only 18  minutes, but they still brought it back! This and many other articles can be found in the magazine and on their website, 

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