Saturday, September 21, 2013

Lots to talk about, but sadly no labs. I went to Kanuga, or Mountain Trail Outdoor School. So much fun! Up near Hendersonville, N.C in the mountains. The weather was really nice. It was really sunny and cool, and the classes were great. The classes my class took were the climbing tower, high ropes, pond and stream ecology, creatures we love to hate, and outdoor living skills. Here are all the pictures of me and my classmates in our classes in Kanuga. The classes were really interesting and fun. I loved the hiking and the cabins, but the shower heads were a little low. I really need to work on my upper-body strength because I could only get about half way up the climbing wall! I was so disappointed when I could not go any farther. I did get over my fear of heights though, so that is good. I was the first to start a fire in the outdoor living skills class with flint and steel, and I got to touch a opossum in the animals we love to hates class. I really enjoyed the experience! All my friends from public school went, and I thought I would miss the opportunity.

here is a link to their website

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