Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hey everyone! Not many labs this week, but we did finish a quiz. I got a ninety-five, but there is still room to improve and work on my class skills. As for this week, we are going to the Mountain Trail Outdoor School up near Hendersonville, N.C. I am so excited because all my friends in public school said it was amazing, as has my sister. The middle school is going as are all but 2 of the teachers. This ought to be soo much fun. Our science unit there will be pond and stream ecology, so that will be fun. I am afraid of heights, so I hope to get over that, and I hope to also forge more of a relationship with the kids at my school and with my teachers. The weather is supposed to be chilly, so I am happy about that! To the labs! We finished our spontaneous generation lab, and it smelled terrible, and it was full of fat maggots. Gross! I had a good time observing them though. I can't give any labs, so I will be giving several links to fun science sites.

  • I really love this site. I used it to get an idea for my 5th grade science fair.
Here is an article for all of you news readers like me

Here is a link that I find so very interesting because it reminds me of Jurassic Park

Here are some pictures of things we are studying such as cells, homeostasis and other biological pieces

This is a prokaryote, a cell that has no nucleus.

 A diagram of what stimuli do to your body.

A regular cell with a nucleus called a eukaryote which most organisms are sorted under.

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