Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hey everyone. We are learning about different macromolecules just like last week. I really understand this topic, but I do need to study more. And I was out lats week so i need to catch up on my labs. I am not really sure how much I missed in class, but I am sure I will find out tomorrow. We had one lab this week, and it was about eggs. So here is the lab.

The Egg Osmosis lab:

Materials needed:

  • 1 egg
  • scale
  • observation sheet should include days 1, 3, 4, and 5 and have the sections mass of the egg and volume of liquid in the beaker
  • white vinegar
  • corn syrup
  • 1 200 milliliter beaker

  • Weigh your egg on the scale. Make sure it doesn't fall off
  • To the beaker add 200 milliliters of white vinegar 
  • place the egg in the vinegar and put it on a shelf
  • Leave it there for a day
  • On day 3, take down your beaker from your shelf and observe it
  • After you record your findings, take the egg out of the beaker ( if the yoke is no longer in its shell, re-do the first four steps) 
  • Weigh it carefully because it is very fragile 
  • Pour 200 milliliters of corn syrup into the beaker
  • leave it out for a day
I have no idea what happens next because I wasn't there for the end of the experiment. So i guess record your findings after it has been sitting in the corn syrup.

By the way this is what it should look like on day three

These are pictures of different types of cells with different amounts of water coming in and out of them. An isotonic cell is healthy. A hypotonic cell has too much water going in and none coming out, so it pops like a balloon. Another unhealthy cell is an hypertonic cell. It has water coming out of it, but none coming in, so it shrivels like a raisin.

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