Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hey guys and girls. Not much to  talk about this week. We only had one lab. We had a quiz on osmosis compounds elements and macromolecules on thursday, and I got  a 91%, the worst test or quiz grade I have had this year. I really should have studied more. Next time, instead of 15 minutes I will do it for an hour. We have now moved onto photosynthesis and all the stuff related to it. The chemical formula for photosynthesis is 6H2O + 6CO2 -> C6H12O6 + 6O2. So it is 6 water molecules + 6 carbon dioxide molecules and then add light and you get C6H12O6, which is sugar + O2, which is oxygen. The carbon dioxide comes in through a small opening in the leaf called a stomata, which oxygen also comes out of. The carbon dioxide mixes with the water that comes in through the roots and light transforms into food. The light is caught by chlorophyll. Pigment is a substance that adds color to the plant.

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