Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone! What's your favorite thanksgiving dish? I know mine is stuffing and Green Bean Casserole. Not much to talk about this week but a few of my classmates did something special this week. We only had one lab and a test. The lab wasn't the most interesting but I am pretty sure I got a good grade on it, so I am happy. I know I got a good grade on my science test. I don't know the exact grade but my teacher told me I got an A. I really hope it's a 100%! I studied more than I usually do, and I think it payed off. The lab this week was on RNA and creating a protein chain. We used marshmallows toothpicks and licorice to make the DNA and then split it and joined with another group to make the protein chain. Again, not the most interesting lab, but easy none-the-less. I liked it for the most part. The notes this week weren't that hard to understand, ad I even got my vocabulary for the next chapter finished after my test.
These are what the marshmallows we used look like.
Very festive looking

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