Monday, November 11, 2013

Hey people. Blog time again. Very little to talk about this week. We only had 2 labs this week. We learned about Punnett's square and the different kinds of alleles. If you will look back into last weeks blog entry, you will see the definition of an allele. I didn't understand how to use the Punnett's square at first because I was absent the day my teacher had explained how to use it, but I quickly figured it out. As for the lab, we were using Punnett's square to make potato babies. It was hilarious seeing the results and some of them were ridiculous. On Monday though, we got very scientific. We even had to wear goggles and aprons. We extracted DNA from wheat germ, which took a long time and was not that interesting, so I am not going to tell you about it. I think I could do better with these by putting more links up, but I also need to hear feedback. Need to know what you like and what you don't like. COMMENT please. Thanks for reading. Sorry for it not being very interesting, but it was mostly just learning.

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