Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hey y'all! Big week for my class and I this week. Our science mid-terms are this Tuesday! I am not that nervous about it, but I know I need to study. We had a rather slow week this week, but that is because of the holiday messing up our sleep schedules. Did you know that it's not healthy to sleep in on the weekends? I found out a few months ago that sleeping in on Sunday messes up your schedule for the entire week causing you to be tired and less productive. I just thought that was interesting. I almost forgot to ask! How were all your breaks?  My condolences to all viewing from the North-Eastern portion of the Untied States. Stay safe guys!
This is what I felt like the first day back.
I most definitely need to study on my mid-terms. I know most of the information but I do need to touch up on my small details. We started two new labs this week and finished up our mold terrarium lab from before winter break. We identified leaves, which I didn't find that interesting, but we did start a lab where we can actually see the roots on a plant grow! I forget the name of this lab, but  I most definitely want to see this. We are watching store bought lima beans, which I though were dead, grow into full fledged plants inside of CD cases. So cool! Anyway. Have you heard about the huge snowstorms up North? I love the snow but that much would drive me batty along with the wind chill and the ice. In other news, a man was convicted of murder by killing his stepfather, by accident, with an atomic wedgie during a drunken fight between the two. Apparently, the man suffocated on his own underpants. How awkward would that be? Thanks for looking in again and tune in next week for more on all things science( and maybe some social studies)

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