Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hey there everyone. This week we started a very interesting lab. Unfortunately it also our last lab. We started our week off with observing a fetal pig. IT WAS NOT ABORTED. It was either miscarried, still-born, or a leftover of the pork industry. So no, we did not murder little baby pigs, if that is what you are thinking. We observed the outside first, then we went on to looking at the skeletal system, though we did not cut him open. After that we did end up skinning it to look at the muscles. The next day, we cut out the muscle to see its digestive system. Next week, we are going to start with the nervous system and circulatory system, as well as some other things, I think. We have been studying for our science final, and I think I'm going to do pretty well.
I need to work on studying for my exam on Friday. I am not really nervous about it, but I still need to study a lot. I also need to work on my boat for our cardboard boat regatta. Anybody got any refrigerator boxes I can have. Just kidding.

For the boat regatta, we are only allowed to use untreated cardboard, and only allowed to use duck tape around the edges of the boat. THIS I am nervous for. How bout that. I'm not that nervous for one of the biggest tests of the year, and yet I am nervous for a boat regatta. I want to do the design below of the wheel, but I 'm not sure how functional that will be. Thanks guys talk to you soon!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Hey guys. Sorry about last weeks sub-par post. I was really tired after Science Olympiad and traveling. We lost the competition, but several of our groups got medals, so that is something to be proud of.  One of our students spewed chunks after his event, so I covered for him in anatomy, on top of three other events. Suffice to say, my brain was fried by the time we were done. It was a long day, but I did learn that I really, really like chai milkshakes. I would also like to give a big round of applause to Mrs. Giacomelli for bringing new inspiration to the
Sciences" in our school name.

I really need to start working on studying for my final in science as well as my EOC in math. I am not that nervous about it, but I also want to get e really good grade.

This week in science, we did a sheep eye dissection while the sixth and seventh graders were out of town in Washington, D.C. After we finished that, we basically just worked on whatever until the end of class because there was nothing else we could really do without the sixth/seventh getting behind. It was  a lonely week without them. And to leave off, below in a lovely picture of a sheep's brain. "Good night, and good luck."

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hey guys. This week was very... interesting to say the least. We did our owl pellet dissection lab. I didn't know that owls could eat things so BIG. We also did our Marine Quest field trip where we learned all about marine ecology, and different marine sciences. Other than that, it was a pretty average week. We learned all about birds and mammals, and how they fly, run and how they take care of their young. And no, I didn't mean the Angry Birds that get shot out of a sling-shot. SO yea, pretty fun, if I do say so myself.

I understand almost all of the concepts of this chapter, and I don't really need to study for the test as it's open note, but I should probably organize and review for a few minutes tonight. I am sorry that this post is rather short but I had a really long weekend and I am pretty tired.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hey. It's me again. This week was mainly dedicated to finishing up the frog dissection, learning about reptiles, and studying fir the reptiles and amphibians test. The test was rather simple but I got and 88. I probably should have studied more for that, but I thought I knew most of it. The end of the frog dissection was pretty fun. I removed most of the organs from our frog, and laid them out like a display. I felt a little bit like a mad scientist, or a psychopath.

I really need to work on my homework habits. I was dropped to a B last semester because I wasn't tweeting often enough. I also need to study more for my quizzes and tests. As the creatures we are studying get more complex, the more I need to study.

We had standardized tests this week, so not much else happened, except my group, and every other group from our school, moved on to State for NHD. And again, this history contest happens to be on the same day as Science Olympiad. I mean really. Two years in a row? I am going to be running back and forth pretty much all day for my events. Good thing the two locations for the competitions are close together.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hey people of the world. This week, we started a very popular lab, as well as a new chapter, and even had an open note test, which I got 95 on! On my report card I ended up getting mostly B's which is pretty good considering I had a D in English at the beginning of the third quarter. It will be a small jump to get to and A now. We also have a new friend in our class, the neighbors cat Chloe, or as we call her, Waffles. She has completely taken over Mrs. Giacomelli's leather rollie chair. Mrs. G has actually taken to rolling Chloe outside and leaving her chair outside at the end of the day because the cat won't move. Strangely enough, Chloe is a super affectionate outdoor cat.

This week, we started our frog dissection lab, which I know most people have done or will do. As with all of our other dissections, the frog is gigantic. I don't know where our teacher orders these from, but there must me something in the water there. Our new chapter is on fish, reptiles and amphibians, hence the frog lab. We just opened it up on Thursday, and we had our quiz Friday.

I think I really understand this chapter so far. The concepts are fairly simple, except for some of the aspects of the fish. I really need to start tweeting more though. That is what brought my Biology grade down to a B. It's a simple assignment, but since I have trouble remembering things, it has become difficult for me. Maybe I should write it on the back of my hand so that I remember.

Altogether, I think it was a very productive week at WAAS, and ver fun. Ben and I met on Thursday after school for the Heredity part of S.O. It was very fun, and I really enjoyed doing the research. I learned a lot and it wasn't boring like studying alone was.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hey guys. This week seemed to be all tests and papers, because we had sooo many. On Friday, we had both a math test and a science test. We also had a research paper rough draft due Friday. Suffice to say, I did a ton of studying. We finished our echinoderm dissection lab, and let me tell you, the smell of formaldehyde and fish is not a pleasant one. In fact, I almost threw up. Twice. I hardly ever get squeamish, but this was nasty. I now know why Patrick is so... you know. Echinoderms don't actually have brains. Another cool thing about echinoderms is that they shoot their stomach out their mouth to get food. The enzymes in the stomach break down food, and then the stomach retracts. On another note, we also finished our biodome lab. R.I.P to Beau our shrimp, and two of our crickets. Rihanna the snail is still alive, surprisingly , considering the terror my group mates put her through.

I need to work on tweeting. I think that is what brought my grade down to a high B. All in all, think I did fairly well this quarter, considering I pulled my English grade up pretty far. I still need to work really hard to keep the grades I have in those classes. I let my grades slip in the second and third quarters. I have always had problems with that, and I need to work on my work ethic.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hey everyone. We didn't actually do too much in science. We finished up the grasshopper dissection lab. Did you know that the reason they can reproduce so fast was because they had sooo many ovaries? I didn't. They pretty much lined the sides of the grasshopper. To get to the intestine, we had to dig through a pile of ovaries. We also had a quiz on Thursday on Arthropods. I did well. I got a 97% on it. I would have gotten a 100, but I forgot to answer one question, which kind of stinks, but oh well!

In Social Studies, we did National History day through-out the day. I missed the last ten minutes of science because of it. Our group got second in the school, so we are moving on to Regionals. I am kind of put out because I didn't really want to go to Regionals because of all the extra stress. But it mean we will probably get a good grade on the project.

I need to work on the chapter again as we will be doing more with this unit before taking the test, as well as learning about echinoderms. I dare you to try saying that ten times fast! I knew pretty much the whole unit, but I still need to study.